ragazzi ma voi dei test Sharp che ne pensate?........cioè, se uno dovesse basarsi su quelli per l'acquisto di un nuovo casco.....un Arai (ma non solo!) non lo prenderebbe!
Eppure me li sono studiati un po', mi sembrano seri come test:
questi sono i criteri del test Sharp, mi sembra abbastanza accurato:
SHARP Testing
We run 32 impact tests on a helmet model before awarding a SHARP rating.
Because the world doesn’t operate at one speed, SHARP doesn’t either. Each crash is unique with its own unique set of variables, so we test at a much wider range of impact speeds than standard regulations.
What’s more, SHARP analyses national and international crash studies – helping us to select the test points that are most representative of ‘real world’ crashes.
For every helmet model, we run 32 tests on seven helmets across a range of sizes – assessing how well each helmet could protect the brain in the event of a crash. To ensure the validity of our assessment, we only test helmets that we ourselves have purchased from retail outlets. It is important that the helmets we test are the same as those you would buy yourself.
We then go to work, testing each helmet by impacting them against anvils to represent flat surfaces and kerbs. SHARP tests are carried out at three different speeds to ensure the helmet provides good protection during both high and low severity impacts. Despite the risk of injury being much lower during less severe crashes, even a small risk could result in riders being seriously or fatally injured.
Please view the animation to find out more
qui c'è l'animazione:
http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/content/animatione ancora:
Linear impact tests - Energy absorption tests. The helmet is placed onto a test head form and dropped from a certain height onto different types of anvils. Acceleration is measured at the centre of gravity of the head form as is the energy absorbed by the helmet at various locations and speeds.
Oblique impact tests - Rotational acceleration by friction. The helmet is placed onto a test head form and dropped from a certain height against an inclined anvil with a very rough surface. Rotational acceleration is measured in the test head form. Limit values allow the risk of brain and neck injury to be assessed.
In poche parole: Sharp misura il trasferimento di energia alla testa in varie situazioni, esattamente come fanno ECE, Snell e tutti gli altri test seri
In sostanza, mi sembra che un casco con un basso punteggio in questo test non sia poi un grande affare.....soprattutto se costa 800euro......
Che ne pensate?